Sharkpunk - edited by Jonathan Green

Friday 25 December 2015

Nobody expects the Ninja Lanternshark!

Meet the Ninja Lanternshark, a species of shark that has only just been discovered. It hides in the ocean's abyssal depths where its black skin keeps it camouflaged - but it also glows in the dark!

The Ninja Lanternshark was discovered by a team at the Pacific Shark Research Center, in Moss Landing, California. Its official Latin name is Etmopterus benchleyi, after Jaws author Peter Benchley. But its common name was coined by the cousins of researcher Vicky Vásquez.

The Ninja Lanternshark is roughly half a metre, or 18 inches, long and it lives at a depth of abround 1,000 metres off the Pacific Coast of Central America. To find out more about this amazing discovery, and compare its strangeness with that of other sharks, click this link.

A possible subject for SHARKPUNK 2, perhaps?

Monday 26 October 2015

BFS Awards 2015

Congratulations to SHARKPUNK and GAME OVER contributor Laurel Sills who, along with Lucy Smee, won the British Fantasy Award for Best Magazine for Holdfast Magazine at yesterday's BFS Awards 2015.

Next year both SHARKPUNK and GAME OVER will be eligible to be nominated in the Best Anthology category, and all the stories that feature within them will be eligible for the Best Short Story award.

So watch this space...

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Sunday 19 July 2015

Sharkpunk at the London Film and Comic Con

In the year that Jaws is 40...

... SHARKPUNK will be at the London Film and Comic Con today, along with the likes of Sigourney Weaver and Michael J Fox, as well as Sixth Doctor Colin Baker and Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy!

So why not stop by my stand and pick up a copy at a knock-down convention-only price?

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Saturday 11 July 2015

Sharkpunk at Edge-Lit 4

Just a quick reminder that I shall be at Edge-Lit 4 today (Saturday 11th July 2015, from 10:00am) with copies of SHARKPUNK (not to mention YOU ARE THE HERO) in tow.

Indeed, SHARKPUNK is sponsoring the 5:15pn panel 'Short and Sweet – Writing and Selling Short Stories', featuring Andrew Hook, Kim Lakin-Smith (SHARKPUNK contributor), Alison Littlewood, and Gav Thorpe (GAME OVER contributor), with Adele Wearing chairing.

So if you're in Derby, or at the event already, please pop over and say "Hi!" and you can have one of my Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland flyers to take away with you. (One free with every purchase!)

Saturday 4 July 2015

Sharkpunk Saturday - 40 Years of Fear!

If you're a fans of sharks, Jaws, and SHARKPUNK - and let's face it, if you're here, reading this, then you probably are - you might want to check out the 40 Years of Fear Bicycle® Jaws Playing Card Deck Kickstarter that's running out the moment.

And, if you do, tell them SHARKPUNK sent you. ;-)

Saturday 20 June 2015

The Shark, by Lord Alfred Douglas

The Shark

Lord Alfred Douglas

A treacherous monster is the Shark 
He never makes the least remark.

And when he sees you on the sand, 
He doesn’t seem to want to land.

He watches you take off your clothes, 
And not the least excitement shows.

His eyes do not grow bright or roll, 
He has astonishing self-control.

He waits till you are quite undressed, 
And seems to take no interest.

And when towards the sea you leap, 
He looks as if he were asleep.

But when you once get in his range, 
His whole demeanour seems to change.

He throws his body right about, 
And his true character comes out.

It’s no use crying or appealing, 
He seems to lose all decent feeling. After this warning you will wish To keep clear of this treacherous fish. His back is black, his stomach white, He has a very dangerous bite.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Diving with Sharkpunk

How cool is this?

SHARKPUNK fan Richard Verby is also a fan of diving, and here he is diving with SHARKPUNK!

In other news, there's only a month to go until SHARKPUNK makes an appearance at Edge-Lit 4. Snowbooks is sponsoring the following panel at the event:

Short and Sweet – Writing and Selling Short Stories (5:15pm-6:05pm)
Those taking part in the panel are Andrew Hook, Kim Lakin-Smith, Alison Littlewood, Gav Thorpe and Adele Wearing.

Kim is, of course, also a contributor to SHARKPUNK, so come along on the day, pick up a copy of the book, and get two of us to sign it for you.

Monday 8 June 2015

World Oceans Day 2015

Today is World Oceans Day. And do you know what lives in the ocean? That's right - sharks!

Some of the stories in SHARKPUNK have a particularly oceanic feel, including Sharkbait by Richard Salter, and Rise of the Übershark by Robert Spalding.

So why not mark World Oceans Day by picking up a copy of SHARKPUNK today?

And now for a video of a woman called Ocean swimming with a Great White. Yes, really.

Sunday 7 June 2015

SHARKPUNK reviewed on The Starburst Bookworm Podcast

"A good editor is like a good DJ."

If you follow this link, you can listen to reviewer and podcaster Ed Fortune wax lyrical about the delights contained within SHARKPUNK - and he gives every story a mention - for almost 10 mins (starting at 13:30).

And if you have read SHARKPUNK and would be willing to post a review of the anthology, you can do so here.

Saturday 30 May 2015

SHARKPUNK - The Starburst Review

Another Sharkpunk post and another glowing 9 out of 10 stars review of SHARKPUNK, this time courtesy of Starburst Magazine.

As an editor, it's great when reviewers don't notice the editor's involvement in an anthology. It means you've done your job properly, allowing the different authors' voices to shine through. However, it's also nice when reviewers do recognise your efforts, as Ed Fortune does here:

"The editor, Jonathan Green, has curated an interesting collection and has presented them in the best possible order; some of the tales are deep psychological horror, others are deeply silly parody. It takes a firm editorial hand and a keen understanding of the tone of each piece to make a collection this diverse work, and Green makes it look effortless."

Various stories get singled out for particular attention, as is most often the way in reviews of anthologies. You're rarely going to find a reader who likes everything equally, if you've managed to curate a range of different stories and styles. However, with SHARKPUNK it doesn't seem to be a case of people not enjoying any of the stories, it's just that they enjoy some more than others.

You can read the whole review for yourself here, and you can pick up a paperback or download the ebook edition of SHARKPUNK here.

Thursday 28 May 2015

SHARKPUNK on Tour - SHARKPUNK at the UK Games Expo

On Saturday and Sunday (30th and 31st May) I shall be attending the UK Games Expo at the NEC Metropole hotel outside Birmingham, primarily promoting YOU ARE THE HERO - A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, but I will also have copies of SHARKPUNK with me.

So, if you've not yet picked up a copy, you know where to come.

Monday 25 May 2015


Just to report that I had a great weekend at the MCM ComicCon, introducing SHARKPUNK to the world at large. What was even better was how many people came by my stand specifically to pick up a copy.

SHARKPUNK at the MCM ComicCon.

Richard has some amazingly cool plans for his copy of SHARKPUNK . Watch this space...

 Real marine biologists getting very excited about SHARKPUNK.

YOU ARE THE HERO also attracted a fair bit of attention, and my best-seller was my most recent FF gamebook Night of the Necromancer. If you're still to pick up a copy, remember that next weekend I'll be at the UK Games Expo at the NEC Hilton Metropole just outside Birmingham.

Maybe I'll see you there...

Saturday 23 May 2015

SHARKPUNK on Tour - SHARKPUNK at the MCM Expo, London

I will be at the MCM Expo at London's Excel Centre this weekend, along with the killer shark story anthology SHARKPUNK. If you're new to SHARKPUNK, here's what you need to know...

Inspired by such classic pulp movies as Jaws and Deep Blue Sea - as well as such ludicrous delights as Sharknado and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus - the stories contained within SHARKPUNK are rip-roaring page-turners and slow-build chillers that celebrate all things savage, pulp and selachian. Covering the whole range of speculative fiction genres, from horror and Steampunk, through to SF and WTF, these are stories with bite!

So, stop by the authors area and you'll not only be able to pick up a copy of SHARKPUNK and have it signed by the editor, you'll also be able to get it signed by Kit Cox who has contributed a brand new Major Jack Union story to the anthology.

Now I can't say fairer than that, can I?

Saturday 16 May 2015

Sharkpunk Saturday - The first reviews

SHARKPUNK has been out for a couple of weeks now, and had its official launch at Forbidden Planet last Saturday, so plenty of people have had a chance to read the 20 short stories contained within, and here's what some of them have been saying.

"There is something for everyone here. Each of the talented authors involved has put their own unique twist on the concept of sharkpunk which contains literally every kind of shark you can imagine, and some you can't." ~ Geek Planet Online

"This collection is well worthy of your time. Every story is a winner in my opinion and they are all a great deal of fun. In all honesty I’d have great difficulty picking a favourite." ~ The Eloquent Page

"Each story will haunt you in a different way and may even change your opinion about sharks." ~ Ginger Nuts of Horror

You can pick up your copy of SHARKPUNK here, and if you come along to Edge-Lit 4 in Derby on Saturday 11th July, I'll even sign it for you, as will Kim Lakin-Smith, author of the short story Goblin, who will also be in attendance on the day.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sharks by numbers

6 inches - The size of the smallest shark, the Dwarf Lantern Shark.

40 feet - The length of the biggest, the Whale Shark, which weighs up to 20 tonnes.

46 mph - The top speed of the fastest species, the Mako Shark, known as 'the torpedo with teeth'.

250,000 - Mobula Rays, members of the shark family, have been seen somersaulting in the air in balletic courtship displays. The biggest belly floppers have the best chance of attracting a mate.

20 - The number of killer shark stories in SHARKPUNK.

22 - The number of authors who have contributed to SHARKPUNK.

Grab your copy (paperback or ebook) today.

 Dwarf Lantern Shark

 Whale Shark

  Mako Shark

Mobula Ray

Sunday 10 May 2015

The Official SHARKPUNK Launch at Forbidden Planet, London

So yesterday this happened...

Not quite knowing how the event would pan out - there were eleven authors in attendance and myself - I prepared a few words but, as it turned out, the signing yesterday wasn't the place for them, so I'm going to post them here instead.

First of all, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who came along, keeping us all busy signing copies of SHARKPUNK, thank you to Snowbooks, particularly for the banner which everyone signed, and thank you to Forbidden Planet for hosting the event. There were shark-themed tablecloths, rubber sharks, shark teeth, shark cakes, shark biscuits, and even a huge flying shark which spent most of the time menacing the Starship Enterprise.

But most of all, I want to say thank you to the writers who contributed to SHARKPUNK - those who weren't able to attend the Forbidden Planet launch, as well as those who were - for taking a crazy idea and running with it.

SHARKPUNK contributors - Al Ewing, Alec Worley, Laurel Sills, Den Patrick, Rob Spalding, Andy Taylor, Andrew Lane, Kim Lakin-Smith, Ian Whates, Jenni Hill and Jonathan Oliver.

Who would have thought that a throwaway comment on Facebook about calling the genre of terrible shark movies (like Sharknado) Sharkpunk would have brought us to this moment, a month from Jaws' 40th birthday, with an anthology of shark-related stories receiving rave reviews all over the Internet?

If you weren't able to attend the launch, you can order your own signed copy from Forbidden Planet here.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Sharkpunk Saturday - The Official Launch at Forbidden Planet

SHARKPUNK officially launches today at Forbidden Planet, London, at 1.00pm-2.00pm GMT.

I will be there along with publisher Emma Barnes and twelve very talented writers:

• David Lee Stone
• Andrew Lane
• Ian Whates
• Al Ewing
• Toby Frost
• Jonathan Oliver
• Kim Lakin-Smith
• Alec Worley
• Jenni Hill
• Laurel Sills
• Robert Spalding
• Den Patrick

Hopefully we'll see you there.

Friday 8 May 2015

Sharkpunk on Pornokitsch

Today, Pornokitsch - the geek culture championing website - has played host to my SHARKPUNK-related ramblings, allowing me to submit my five favourite sharks from the silver screen for their weekly Friday Five.

You can check out my list, and add your own suggestions, here.

And don't forget, the official SHARKPUNK launch is taking place on Saturday, at Forbidden Planet in London, at 1.00pm. And there may be cake...

Tuesday 5 May 2015

SHARKPUNK - The Official Launch at Forbidden Planet

SHARKPUNK - the anthology of killer shark stories I've put together and published by Snowbooks - will be launching at Forbidden Planet, London, on Saturday 9th May at 1.00pm GMT.

I shall be there along with publisher Emma Barnes and these very talented writers:

• Andrew Lane
• Ian Whates
• Al Ewing
• Toby Frost
• Jonathan Oliver
• Kim Lakin-Smith
• Alec Worley
• Jenni Hill
• Laurel Sills
• Robert Spalding
• Den Patrick

(Please note, unfortunately Steven Savile and David Lee Stone are no longer able to attend.)

Please share the Facebook event page, tell all your friends, and if you're in London on Saturday, why not stop by the Shaftesbury Avenue store and grab a signed book! :-)

Monday 4 May 2015

GAME OVER - Call for Submissions

If you've enjoyed SHARKPUNK and think you have a short story in you, then you might be interested in this...

For immediate release: 

Jonathan Green // Call for Submissions 


This is an anthology of brand new material, to be published later this year by Snowbooks.

We are seeking original horror stories inspired by classic arcade games, between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length.

Rights required are exclusive World English language rights for six months, dropping to non-exclusive World English language rights thereafter, with an option for foreign language translation within the anthology should offers be made for overseas editions.

Delivery: 1st June 2015. Submissions will only be accepted by email, in Word doc format.

Payment: A share of royalties.

We want stories inspired by arcade games such as Space Invaders, Asteroids, Ghost and Goblins, Q*bert, Pitfall, Breakout and Pole Position. The stories must not impinge on any IP. For example, you could write a story about an alien invasion, or mention the arcade machine Q*bert in a story set in the real world, but don’t write a story featuring a character called Pac-Man.

We already have a number of well-known horror and games writers on board. Arcade classics to steer clear of are Frogger, Centipede, Pac-Man, Gauntlet, Tetris, Rampage, and Donkey Kong, as we already have stories based on those games.

Due to the quick turnaround on this project, formal feedback will not be given on submissions (unless they are accepted for publication), and discussions will not be entered into regarding reasons for rejection.

Please do not submit your story anywhere else, until you know of our decision, and if you are not happy working to the terms outlined above, please do not submit.

We shall look forward to receiving your stories. Please email your submission, with your Word document as an attachment, to, and include your name, story title, and the words ‘GAME OVER Submission’ in the subject line.

A Bloke Called Dave talking about Sharkpunk

Sharkpunk contributor David Lee Stone has written a piece about Sharkpunk over on his blog, A Bloke Called Dave. He's also recorded a pair of videos about it.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Sharkpunk making waves already

It's only been out a day, but SHARKPUNK is already making waves across the Internet.

You can read two ace reviews - one here and another here - and then there's this...

Friday 1 May 2015

SHARKPUNK - Publication Day!

After many months - nay, years! - of preparation, SHARKPUNK is finally here!

An anthology of killer shark stories

"This collection is well worthy of your time. Every story is a winner"
The Eloquent Page

Sharks – the ultimate predators, masters of their watery domain, a world that is entirely alien and inhospitable to man. So many aspects of the shark are associated with humankind’s most primal fears. The tell-tale dorsal fin slicing through the water, the dead eyed-stare, the gaping jaws full to unforgiving teeth, the remorseless drive to kill and feed…

Inspired by such classic pulp movies as Jaws and Deep Blue Sea – as well as such ludicrous delights as Sharknado and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus – the stories contained within are rip-roaring page-turners and slow-build chillers that celebrate all things savage, pulp and selachian.

Covering the whole range of speculative fiction genres, from horror and Steampunk, through to SF and WTF, these are stories with bite!

Come on in. The water’s fine…

Peter and the Invisible Shark, Jonathan Oliver 
Blood in the Water, Den Patrick 
The Lickspittle Leviathan, David Lee Stone 
Sharkadelic, Ian Whates
Shirley, Amy and Andy Taylor 
Deep Black Space, Toby Frost 
The Shark in the Heart, David Tallerman 
Deep Red Bells, Josh Reynolds 
Sharkcop 2: Feeding Frenzy, Alec Worley 
Sharkbait, Richard Salter 
Goblin, Kim Lakin-Smith 
Blood Relations, Andrew Lane 
Feast of the Shark God, C L Werner 
Le Shark, Laurel Sills 
The Serial Killer Who Thought She Was a Shark, Jenni Hill 
Rise of the Übershark, Robert Spalding 
Swimming with the Fishes, Steven Savile 
Ambergris, Kit Cox 
Silent Waters, Running Deep, Gary McMahon 
YOU ARE THE SHARK, Al Ewing and Sarah Peploe

Thursday 30 April 2015

SHARKPUNK - the first review!

SHARKPUNK is published tomorrow, but already the reviews are starting to come in.

The first can be read here at The Eloquent Page. Here's a taster:

Sharkpunk is twenty unique visions of what it means to be either predator or prey. This anthology contains stories that don’t just feature sharks, they also dissect the mind of a perfectly evolved killer. Nestled deep in the pages of this collection you’ll find everything from stories set in feudal Japan to tales featuring men with an impressive olfactory sense. Steampunk, horror, science fiction and thriller blend together to create a collection that revels in the raw, bloody savagery of an apex carnivore... this collection is well worthy of your time. Every story is a winner in my opinion and they are all a great deal of fun. In all honesty I’d have great difficulty picking a favourite.

Don't forget, you can purchase SHARKPUNK direct from the publisher and from midnight tonight until midnight Friday you can use the discount code SHARKS! to get 10% off anything on

Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Sharkpunk Interview - Laurel Sills

Laurel Sills is a fantasy reader, scribbler, and co-editor of holdfast magazine. She is also now a SHARKPUNK contributor...

Sharkpunk: What, do you think, is the reason for people's enduring fascination with sharks? 
Laurel Sills: As an English girl growing up on an island where all of our natural predators have been wiped out, the idea that something that powerful, something that might actually want to eat me, could just swan up to our beaches if it wanted, scared the living bejesus out of me as a child. Maybe that has something to do with our collective fascination. The ocean has few barriers, and although logic tells us that the great white is unlikely to be hanging out around Brighton pier, it’s hard to escape the idea that it could be. It goes back to the idea of something wanting to eat us. We have a rather reduced risk of being eaten by badgers, and the idea of being eaten is so alien, so bizarre, that perhaps we latch on to the one, tiny shred of possibility that we could be eaten by sharks on our bank holiday day trip. There are of course still a lot of other animals out there that would like to eat us, but, you know, lions can’t swim over and drag themselves onto our shores to feast on our blue goose-pimpled bikini-clad bodies...can they?!

SP: What was the inspiration behind your story Le Shark
LS: As much as I love Jaws and other shark films, I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking, how hard is it really to just stay out of the water?! So I wanted to play with that a bit. I also love a good old-fashioned deal with the devil gone wrong (that deal can never really work out can it?) so thought it would be fun to combine the two.

SP: What challenges, or surprises, did you encounter in writing your story? 
LS: I think I went into it thinking I’d just write a silly story about a shark god, (which I did!) but it surprised me that it got a lot darker than I thought it would. There is a point in my story where you’re not sure whether The Shark is real or a figment of Carlos’ imagination, and I think a lot of the story is about Carlos’ inner shark. How far is he willing to go for success or to protect himself? I also wanted to make sure that Leslie, the other main character in the story, was not purely a love interest or a victim. I had to think hard about making sure I didn’t fall into the tired tropes women often fall into, and I hope I’ve achieved that.

SP: If you had to pick a favourite shark, which would it be? 
LS: Probably the basking shark, because me and a friend of mine found a dead baby one (which was still pretty big) washed up on the beach in St Ives when I was little. I liked the fact that they were gentle giants.

SP: Do you have a favourite fictional shark (in books, comics, films, or video games)? 
LS: It would have to be Sharky of Sharky and George. I used to watch it with my dad and it reminds me of eating Rice Krispies in my pyjamas. Also, a shark detective? Yes. Just yes.

Thanks, Laurel!

Laurel Sills co-edits holdfast magazine with Lucy Smee. Holdfast is a free, quarterly online speculative fiction magazine, which is bringing out its first print anthology in 2015. She used to be in a touring band but gave that up in order to be able to afford regular meals. Laurel now works in publishing and holds a Master’s degree in creative writing from Goldsmiths University. She was also on the judging panel for the British Fantasy Society Robert Holdstock award for Best Fantasy Novel 2014. Go to and follow her @laurelsills and @holdfastmag.