Sharkpunk - edited by Jonathan Green

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Sunday 19 July 2015

Sharkpunk at the London Film and Comic Con

In the year that Jaws is 40...

... SHARKPUNK will be at the London Film and Comic Con today, along with the likes of Sigourney Weaver and Michael J Fox, as well as Sixth Doctor Colin Baker and Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy!

So why not stop by my stand and pick up a copy at a knock-down convention-only price?

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Saturday 11 July 2015

Sharkpunk at Edge-Lit 4

Just a quick reminder that I shall be at Edge-Lit 4 today (Saturday 11th July 2015, from 10:00am) with copies of SHARKPUNK (not to mention YOU ARE THE HERO) in tow.

Indeed, SHARKPUNK is sponsoring the 5:15pn panel 'Short and Sweet – Writing and Selling Short Stories', featuring Andrew Hook, Kim Lakin-Smith (SHARKPUNK contributor), Alison Littlewood, and Gav Thorpe (GAME OVER contributor), with Adele Wearing chairing.

So if you're in Derby, or at the event already, please pop over and say "Hi!" and you can have one of my Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland flyers to take away with you. (One free with every purchase!)

Saturday 4 July 2015

Sharkpunk Saturday - 40 Years of Fear!

If you're a fans of sharks, Jaws, and SHARKPUNK - and let's face it, if you're here, reading this, then you probably are - you might want to check out the 40 Years of Fear Bicycle® Jaws Playing Card Deck Kickstarter that's running out the moment.

And, if you do, tell them SHARKPUNK sent you. ;-)